Surprising Facts about Diamonds

A diamond loses 50% of its weight in the cutting and polishing process.

In order for a rough diamond to reach its full potential it will undergo a cutting and polishing process; during which, the diamond will lose up to 50% of its original rough carat weight on average. This is a necessary evil as a diamond cut to perfect proportion and symmetry will display the ultimate combination of fire, brilliance and scintillation.

Diamonds are not always colourless/white

Diamonds actually come in a wide array of colors, from blues - like the Hope Diamond - and pinks to yellows and browns. It USED to be, once upon a time, that brown and yellow diamonds were considered less valuable than the more well known white diamonds, but clever advertisers have sold us on "Chocolate" and "Canary" diamonds, and so we now all have the privilege of paying more for them because they've created a demand.

You never see most diamonds that are mined out

Diamonds have a  number of uses being the hardest natural substance on the planet. Also, not all diamonds are aesthetically good enough to be used on a valuable piece. 80% of the world's diamonds are not suitable for Jewelry. These are used for industrial purposes. Hence, you actually do not see most of the diamonds that are mined out.

Your diamond can be 3 billion years old

Most diamonds found in nature, were formed 1 to 3 billion years ago due to extreme heat and pressure. These diamonds were formed 100 to 200 miles below the surface of Earth. Volcanic activity brings diamond crystals much closer to the earth's surface.

The Sparkles

Since diamonds have been cut and fashioned for jewellery the race to find the best cut with the most sparkle has constantly evolved. The traditional round diamond of today has 57 facets. However, you can also buy Mastercut diamonds that feature a unique star cut with a remarkable 89 facets. This exceptional diamond cut produces 30% more sparkle than the round cut!

The largest consumers of Diamond

The U.S. is the world’s largest diamond market. Although the U.S. accounts for less than one-percent of total global gemstone production, America buys more than half of the world’s total gem quality diamonds.